This page is dedicated to the consumer code section to protect all the rights of the consumer and those of the owner of the website itself
The code is based on the "legal guarantee" and "right of withdrawal" on the consumption of digital products on the website
The consumer code and the sale of software
The consumer code (Legislative Decree 206/2003) protects consumers also in the purchase of software, be it sold on physical support (CD, DVD, USB sticks) and in digital format (online download) and pursuant to art. 59, letter a, Legislative Decree no. 206/2005.
Here are some of the main rights provided for by the code:
Right of withdrawal:
The consumer has the right to withdraw the transaction already performed, behind, a valid motivation and a careful analysis of the website owner. (Each deed of recession expressed and/or noted to the support email "" with the poor validity in the motivation and certified the right of proven recession, no consideration on the reimbursement will be taken.
The withdrawal is not possible for sealed software that have been opened after delivery or downloaded on their PC with an effective download.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the consumer must send a written communication to the seller, using the email, motivating a valid recession.
The seller is responsible for the software conformity defects for a period of two years from the delivery date of the seller is responsible for the software conformity defects for a period of two years from the delivery date.
If the software is defective, the consumer can request the repair or free replacement of the property.
If the repair or replacement are not possible or are excessively expensive, the consumer may request a reduction in the price or the termination of the contract.
After the immediate purchase of the sheet .xlsx or software will be available, for a period of 30 days, a person person with the download of the same.
Digital content:
The supply of digital content, such as downloadable software online, is subject to specific provisions of the consumer code.
In particolare, il consumatore ha diritto di ricevere il software in un formato compatibile con il proprio dispositivo e di usufruire di assistenza tecnica adeguata.
The consumer also has the right to receive all the essential information on the software, including its functional characteristics and system requirements.
Consumer protection:
The consumer code prohibits the use of vexatious clauses in software sales contracts.
The vexatious clauses are those that limit or exclude consumer rights, for example the clause that excludes the seller's responsibility for the damages caused by the software.
In the event of a dispute, the consumer can contact the consumer protection service of his municipality or consumer associations.
The owner [Iurij Notaro] of the website [] has fully right to suspend, close and more the aforementioned website, when illegal acts are presented on the use of the file.xlsx. subject of sale.
Seller protection and creator of the file.xlsx through Microsoft Office software - not connected to the edition.
The software, understood as a computer program, is a work of the ingenuity protected by copyright. Its protection is governed by the law on copyright (L. n. 633/1941) and some special rules, with the aim of guaranteeing the authors the recognition of their creative work and encourage the creation of innovative software.
Distinction between software connected to the edition and software not connected to the edition
The protection of software copyright varies according to whether it is software connected to the edition or software not connected to the edition:
Software connected to the edition: it is that intended to be widespread to the public through reproduction on material supports, such as CD-ROM or DVD. It is protected as a "literary work" and the publisher has the rights of reproduction, distribution, communication to the public, translation and processing.
Software not connected to the edition: it is what is not intended to be disseminated to the public through reproduction on material media, such as tailor -made programs for a customer or embedded software in electronic devices. It is however protected as a "literary work", but its protection is subject to some limitations.
Requirements for the protection of software copyright
To be protected by copyright, the software must submit the following requirements:
Originality: the software must be the result of an autonomous intellectual creation of the author, and must not be a simple copy or imitation of pre -existing works.
Creativity: the software must present a creative character, that is, it must stand out for its expressive choices and its original technical solutions.
Exclusions from protection:
Mere, the principles of operation, the laws of nature and mathematical methods are not protected from copyright. Furthermore, the parts of the software that are dictated exclusively by technical functions are not protected.
Methods of protecting software copyright
The protection of software copyright can be implemented with the same tools provided for the other works protected by copyright, including:
Registration at the SIAE: registration is not mandatory, but allows you to have a certain proof of the authorship and the date of creation of the work.
Action by counterfeiting: the author can act in court to obtain compensation for damages and the inhibition of the unauthorized use of his software.
Action for unfair competition: the author can act in court to counter illegal behavior by competitors who unduly exploit his software.
Protection rights
The owner [Iurij Notaro] of the website [] has fully entitled to suspend, close and more the aforementioned website, when illegal acts are presented to you, described in the previous points of the same document, on the use of any File.xlsx. subject of sale.