My story
Let me introduce myself, I am Iurij Notaro and I am a Junior Civil Engineer registered in the Register - Order of Engineers of Messina. After completing my studies, first scientific and then technical, at secondary school, I immediately afterwards undertook university studies at the engineering department at the University of Messina. After completing my three-year degree studies, I immediately decided to embark on the world of work experience. First, in one of the most important and world-leading industries in the ceramic sector, in the role of Stoker - Worker at "Industrie ceramiche PIEMME Srl", Fiorano (MO) province of Modena, thus enriching his technical work skills (both at theoretical and Manual) and then returned to Sicily, I worked as a technician at Archnova srl based in Sant'Agata di Militello for the drafting of metric calculations, psc, building practices and cadastral practices, and external technical consultant at Engineering Progetti Srl based in Palermo for the drafting of carpentry of load-bearing structures (walls, foundations and etc.), architectural of buildings, construction details, drafting of the metric calculation and technical reports. Having accumulated the various experiences, it was decided that we wanted to undertake a much desired new career path, that is, to offer our own ideas and knowledge with the aim of enriching the field of building innovations and new calculation methods/systems at the service of engineering.